Date: 30 November 2017: Sandton
The 2018 Sport Events Sponsorship Research Report will be released at the Forum.
Join us at the next edition of Sponsorship Forum to debate sports event sponsorship and activation in a disruptive economy.
Key Forum Debates
– What’s in store for Rights Holders and Sponsors in 2018?
– What’s your Chances of Scoring Meaningful Sponsorship Deals in 2018?
– Why Event Organisers & Sponsors Should ReInnovate their Activation Strategies in 2018
– How organisations should Effectively Negotiate the true “Brand-Value” of their Rights
– How Sponsors could Extract greater ROI & ROO benefits from their Sponsorship
The Forum will feature some of premier thought leaders and sponsors sharing their know-how with our delegates in a highly interactive and key learning environment.
A panel of experts will kick off the proceedings by debating the Sponsorship Outlook Survey Report, which will reveal some interesting information on how organisers and rights holders view their status and appetite for event sponsorship during 2018.
The Forum will debate the key challenges pertaining to the most important factors influencing the decisions of brand custodians when evaluating a sponsorship proposal. Also, what they would look for in terms of their own expected Return on Investment (RIO) and Return on Objectives (ROOs) respectively.
Representatives from major brands that are sponsoring sport events will also share with our delegates the current trends among the thinking of sponsors and how event rights holders should craft their sponsorship proposals to make it more attractive to these decision makers.
According to leading industry expert, David Sidenberg, Director, BMi SportInfo, “the sponsorship industry has long been built on rights owners providing rights and assets to build connections between brands and audiences”.
“However, while technological advances and a shift in media consumption are empowering sports fans and raising their expectations, much of the sponsorship industry is largely doing things as it has always done”.
“As we near the end of the first phase of the relationship between sport and social media, which is largely based on huge over claims of reach and relevance, the Forum will take a closer look for evidence of deep fan engagement in the event sponsorship arena”.
Sidenberg will also be sharing the experiences and valuable findings of BMi Sport Info’s most recent research reports on eSports and Millennials and he will unpack what has been learnt about the unique challenges and opportunities brought by digital disruption to the South African Sport & Sponsorship industry at large.
Negotiating the Sponsorship Deal: Key Forum Topics
– How organisations should effectively negotiate the true “Brand-Value” of their Rights
– How Sponsors could extract greater ROI & ROO benefits from their Sponsorship
– What Brands want and how to negotiate a “Meeting of the Minds” in Sponsorship Deals
– Using Social Media effectively to create “memorable activations” for sponsors
Why You Should Attend the Forum
The Forum will offer delegates an ideal platform to learn from our thought leaders as to what currently works within the sponsorship arena and why brands are starting to demand more rights to optimally leverage their investment in events. Delegates will also be allowed to give their point of view and further network with their peers during lunch at the end of the Forum.
To download the Booking Form: Click Here
For further information, Contact: Gerrit Davids: Executive Producer: Gerom Media:
Tel. +278 11- 026-4891 / Mobile +27 82 496 1657
E-mail: info@sportsbusiness.co.za or info@sportsconnect.co.za[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]