[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Sports Ministry is proposing to change and introduce new legislation under the National Sport and Recreation Amendment Bill, inclusive of wide-ranging measures to control sport and agents in the country.
One of the more contentious clauses in the Bill relates to making it compulsory for “sport and recreation agents” to “register” and obtain a “license” from government to operate in the country.
It states, that such ‘licensing” should be done in the “prescribed manner” of, which the draft Bill does not provide any notion as to how it will actually happen.
It seems that in future, “a license issued by a “Sports or a Recreation Body”, will not be suffice to operate as a “sport and recreation agent” in the country.
Further, another clause seeks to empower the Minister of Sport to come up with regulations governing the “fees for sport” and “recreation agents.”
It will mean that the current percentages charged by sport agents’, will no longer be their decision, since the Minister is looking to be given the power to set such the rates for commissions.
It seems that “sport and recreation agents” will in future be compensated similarly to rates, which are gazetted for certain professional industries.
Another interesting proposal within the Bill is to “establish a Sport Arbitration Tribunal to resolve disputes in sport or recreation bodies, to provide for offences and penalties and to provide for matters connected therewith.”
The Bill also seeks to empower the Minister to determine a policy around the “training of coaches” and separating the powers between itself, SASCOC and sports federations respectively.
The Bill’s process will now proceed in line with the prescripts of the Constitution before the President gazette it, as required.
Gerrit Davids
MD: Gerom Media, Sports & Entertainment
Mobile +27 (0) 82 406 1657
E-mail: info@sportsbusiness.co.za / info@gerommedia.co.za
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