30 November 2017 – 1 December 2017
The inaugural Football Africa Forum will take place in Sandton, Johannesburg next week and it will be a roundtable discussion on issues and challenges pertaining to the sustainable development of the game on the continent.
The Forum is independently organised from any football structures with the main objective to allow delegates to participate freely in open debate with their peers.
The Forum will launch the African Football Alliance (AFA), which will have different chambers representing professional leagues, clubs, player unions, legends, academies, managers and coaches, academia, sports science and social change agencies from across the continent.
Also, to note the Alliance will not serve as a representative body for any established football structures but to create a home for entities and individuals alike to be afforded equal space to contribute in an African structure that would only be accountable to best practice, stakeholder inclusiveness and the prescripts of good governance.
The Forum will take place on both days from 9am-1pm with roundtable discussions and delegates are invited to nominate themselves to serve on any of the chambers mentioned above.
Please Note:-
The cost to attend the Forum is R1500 per day inclusive of 1-year’s membership to Alliance as well as lunch:
– Day One: Sponsorship Negotiation & Key Principles of Drafting Winning Proposals
– Day Two: The Future of African Football Roundtable, Football Africa Awards and launch of the African Football Alliance followed by self-nominations to serve on the various African Football Chambers of the Alliance.
Kindly let us know if you have any further queries on how to attend.
To receive a Registration Form to attend: Click Here
Endorsed by the South African Masters & Legends Football Association (SAMLFA)
and the
Sport, Recreation, Education and Development Foundation (SPREAD)
For more information, contact:
Gerrit Davids
CEO: Gerom Media, Sports & Entertainment (Pty) Ltd
Mobile +27 82 406 1657
E-mail: info@sportsbusiness.co.za / info@gerommedia.co.za
Website: www.sportsbusiness.co.za