Date: 26-27 January 2017
Cape Town
The 4h edition of Event Tourism Forum, will focus on the value of Sport Events and to date more than 100 municipalities have benefited from this highly informative content and the key discussions will once again be higly interactive with the focus on how municipalities, provincial and national government could effectively report on events they are funding or supporting for purposes of measuring their economic impact in terms of the unified service delivery mandate and framework respectively.
The discussion points at the Forum will focus on both government’s return on investment (ROI) as well as its return on objectives (ROO). It is accepted now a days that government should not only focus on the ROI of a supported event but also whether the event aligns itself with the its overall service delivery objectives, meaning the ROO. Government is well advised to first benchmark an event seeking its support using the key principles of ROI and ROO to determine whether it projects sustainability and to allow government to assess whether its money well spent should it decide to provide both financial and technical support.
As usual, the Forum will feature a host of industry experts, sharing their thought leadership with our delegates on the key “measurement ingredients” required to support successful sport events.
Forum Themes: Goverment Partnering Premier Sport Events to Draw more Visitors and boosting local economies. | Aligning Event-Visitor Strategies | Assessing the Economic Impact of major Sport Events. | Managing Succesful Partnerships between Government & Event Organisers. | Sport Events’ Organisers Roundtable: Discussions | Partnering the Tourism & Hospitality Industry. | How Government could Exploit Commercial Sponsorships, Marketing, Branding & Social Media to increase its Mass Participation Targets when Partnering Events. | Managing the Partnership Value-Proposition: Forming Strategic Partnerships between Government & Event Organisers | Broadcasting Events Live Online-Connecting the rest of the world to watch local events.
Post-Event Report: Masterclass: (Delegates to Receive a Certificate of Attendance & Completion)
The Forum will also include a Masterclass on “How to Design an International Sports Festival without Breaking the Budget”.
To enquire about the Early Bird Booking Offer to receive a R500.00 Discount Per Person contact: Remu: Tel. 011-026-4891 Cell. 076 104 6165 E-mail: